Why little chickens?

It’s Fun

The Hatching 4 Schools Programme from Bowland Farm is a fun, exciting and educational experience for children and adults. This programme is a chance for everyone to experience the birth, growth and development of a living chicken. An opportunity people may never experience!


The whole programme brings a sense of excitement and anticipation into your classroom environment. It provides a real life focal point from which learning takes place and both children and adults wait enthusiastically for the next stage in development.


The Hatching 4 Schools programme has strong links to the National Curriculum. It provides  creative lesson activities and worksheets for foundation, Keystage 1 and Keystage 2, aiding the development of children’s understanding across the National Curriculum topics.


Ofsted recognises  programmes like the Hatching 4 Schools Programme provides children with an opportunity to experience life cycles and develop a caring ethos. Contributing to a child’s personal and social education.

Contact Us

Bowland Farm
Phone: 01200 447486

We follow the relevant directives and training outlined by Defra, Department for Education and Access to Farms.
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